ZING! Pose time! I did say I might get it out today, after all I had the previews and I just had to make it list compatible and test.

Simply pop your dude on it and set it to around 13 cm (may need to be lowered a little for sorrydaddy1-2), then snap photos from the waist-up. (For sorrydaddy1-2 the male is set to 180, however). In most of these, the sim in the male position is set to 200 and the female is set to -130. Some of the poses in this set are height-adjusted, which means that you’ll have to either: Holiday wishes from me! (You get those even if you’re not downloading, though).A list of links for the accessories I’ve used in the poses.They’re pretty recent this time (thankfully) and all from Monte Vista Stories, so lots of poses for all your criminal needs (… no? Just me? Kay). This time it’s a pose dump consisting of mostly story-telling poses that I’ve made for this and that. That won’t happen in your game, unless you have a height mod or the height part of slice of life.I know I’ve already posted today, but I thought today would be good to dump a little Christmas present on you guys. The preview pics include a weird height difference that is more than what the poses include. Place two teleport statues in the same place, choose the poses, and go!

You need Pose Player and the Teleport Any Sim mod to use these! They should be mostly unisex, but if you try to use 2 females, there might be some boob clipping in some of the closer poses. Made with a tall male and normal female rig. They range from cute maybe-first-kisses, to one slightly spicy neck kiss. I can never have enough cute kissing poses for my sims, so I decided to make some. So, I realize this isn’t a subsitute for my regular content for those of you who like my regular content, but I also know people like poses.